September 2021

How Residential Roofing is Installed


Have you ever wondered how roofing is installed? It’s a detailed process that should be followed closely to ensure it is done correctly. It can be beneficial to understand the process, even if you never plan on installing your own roof. That way, when you need to meet with roofers, you will understand what they are saying and billing you for. Additionally, you’ll be able to see if they’ve missed a step and ask appropriate questions.


The first step to a new roof is to remove the old one. Some companies will install a new roof over an old one, but that is not a good St Louis residential roofing business practice. It doesn’t allow the roof to sit correctly and could be just putting a bandage on some issues with the roof.

Drip Edge and Underlayment

A drip edge isn’t always done, but it’s advised. It prevents water from running onto your fascia boards, keeps the shingles from curling, and should be put on before the underlayment. The underlayment is vital because it stops water from getting into the house. It also prevents water from building up and creating ice dams under the shingles in winter.

Felt Paper

Felt paper increases the roof’s fire rating and helps remove water that might have gotten under the shingles. It is rolled out on top of the underlayment and stapled in place.


A special row of starter shingles is first laid onto the roof. They are smaller than traditional shingles and create a barrier that prevents water from getting in the first seam of shingles and causing a leak. Next, the shingles are laid. They are installed in an overlapping pattern and are usually secured using a nail gun.


Flashing is a thin, metal material, usually steel, that helps protect your roof and give it a clean, finished look. It is installed to direct water off the roof and away from specific areas. It is placed around areas where the shingles butt up against something, such as chimneys or roof valleys, where you don’t want water to stand.…

Tips for Remodeling Your First Home


Purchasing your first home is a very exciting time in life. Remodeling that house can be just as exciting. However, it can also be extremely overwhelming and stressful. Try the following tips to breeze through your first home remodel.

Do Some Research

Before deciding which projects to take on, get some estimates from home remodeling contractors St Louis MO. It may be wise to ascertain quotes while in the negotiation portion of the home buying process so you know what your desired renovations will cost. Ensure you have a home inspection to reveal any costly repairs such as electrical or foundation issues that could run up expenses considerably. If those types of issues are discovered, negotiate to have the seller cover as much of those costs as possible.

Be Realistic About Budget

Understand that some renovations might need to wait until the home is safe and healthy for you and your family to live in. If you have a strict budget, it may be necessary to have a new heater installed which could push back a master bath remodel. Breathe deeply when unexpected issues arise and remember that this is a part of normal life and you can remain flexible. Then, fix what is most important and hold off on those desired renovations until the necessary upgrades are made.

Understand the Timeline

Before closing on your home you will likely need to wait about six weeks from the time you submit an offer to the time you actually close on the house. Once you’ve got the keys, if you are planning significant renovations, it may be several more weeks or months before you can move into the home.

First-time homebuyers are typically giddy about this major life milestone. Come down from the clouds for a few minutes to do some research, be realistic about your budget and understand the timeline.…

Kitchen Upgrades That Are Worth the Investment


Many kitchens, especially older ones were built to maximize function; however, this can leave a lot to be desired with aesthetic appeal. If your kitchen feeling outdated and unappealing, it is time for an upgrade. If you want to improve your kitchen, here are five upgrades that will be well worth it.

Custom Counters

While traditional countertops offer function and utility, swapping those out for custom countertops Butler PA can give you the stunning result that you are searching for. There is no need to settle for ordinary when you can elevate your countertops to a whole new level of style.

Upgraded Lights

Another feature that you can upgrade is lighting. Instead of sticking with lights that solely have the purpose of illuminating the room, you should add upgraded lights to serve as a stylish accent.

Fresh Coat of Paint

You may be surprised at the difference a fresh coat of paint can have on a room. Whether you add color to your cabinets or paint the walls, there are plenty of ways that paint can freshen up a room. Don’t be afraid to add a pop of color that can truly bring out personality and vibrancy.

New Appliances

If you want to maximize your kitchen’s efficiency and function, you need the room to work for your needs. Outdated appliances can leave you will an unappealing, inefficient space that is far from want you want or need. Upgraded appliances can bring together form, function and style in beautiful harmony. This update will go a long way in transforming your kitchen.

Improved Energy Efficiency

If you want to upgrade your kitchen, turn to your energy use and swap out traditional options for more energy-efficient alternatives. Whether you are replacing lightbulbs, light fixtures, appliances or windows, these can vastly improve your home’s look and feel. While style and design are important, efficiency is also key to a great kitchen.

Kitchens are rooms that can easily become outdated and inefficient if you aren’t careful. If you find yourself dealing with an outdated kitchen, use these tips to give it an upgrade.…