August 11, 2020

4 Fun Pond Features

Whether installing a pond for the first time or revamping an existing one to be more exciting, there are plenty of customization options available. Showy fountains, soothing waterfalls, unique lighting and floating islands can take a pond to the next level.

1. Fountain

There are all types of fountains that can be installed in ponds. Large fountains that spew water upwards from the middle, or decorative fountains that look like animals, people or flowers can be a great focal point. As an added benefit, fountains and aeration systems keep water moving, discouraging algae from forming or mosquitos from laying eggs.

2. Waterfall

Waterfalls can be as simple or elaborate as desired. Small ponds can have a simple, one-layer high waterfall in the corner, while larger ponds can look great with multi-layered waterfalls overflowing into each other. They can be made to suit any style of pond and produce the soothing sound of flowing water.

3. Lighting

Adding lights to a pond can really make it stand out after the sun sets. Lights can be installed underwater or they can be placed around the outer edges to create a lovely border. Bulbs come in a variety of colors, and certain lighting systems can be installed that have multiple color options that shift and change in patterns.

4. Islands

If the pond is large enough, then consider installing one or more floating islands. They can be an attractive centerpiece, as well as provide shade for any fish, turtles or frogs living in the pond. They can have one large plant and a few small ones, or a variety of different plants. Paired with lily pads, they can make a pond look beautiful and natural.

When it comes to adding features to a pond, there is a great deal of flexibility. A small waterfall can always be added on, and fountains can be added or swapped out to change the look. Just be creative and enjoy the process.…