Plumbing problems

The Top Signs You Should Call a Plumber


Plumbing problems are no fun. They are frustrating and can cause a lot of damage. If you can detect issues early, plumbing problems can be found and fixed. The key is to learn the signs you should call a plumber.

No Water

One of the most obvious signs you need to call a Batavia plumbing professional is if you have no water coming into your house. While it may be smart to check with your neighbors first, if the issue is not widespread, you need a plumber to help you figure out the underlying issue.

Slow Drain Movement

Clogs are a common plumbing issue. Some clogs can be fixed with a plunger and some elbow grease. However, if this doesn’t work, or if your drains are backing up all the time, it is a good idea to call a plumber.

Your plumber can use specialized tools, such as a camera, to find issues that you may not be able to see. They can then provide the needed fix to ensure the drain issues don’t occur again.

Dripping Faucets

Did you know that even if your shower only drips 10 times a minute, you will be paying for a wasted 500 gallons of water per year? Even if you have planned to fix the drip yourself, you are wasting money and water if you haven’t. Now is the time to call a plumber to have the issue fixed for good. They can also let you know if a new faucet is needed to ensure the problem does not occur again.

When plumbing issues occur, don’t wait to call for help. Being informed and knowing the top issues that may occur is the best way to fix them and ensure they don’t develop into more serious problems. Be sure to find a quality plumber to have plumbing issues fixed promptly.…