How to Maintain Automatic Door Safety

Automatic doors are an excellent option for businesses with heavy traffic. However, they are also heavy machinery that can generate enough force to be a safety issue. As a business owner, you need to be aware of the dangers and necessary precautions to maintain a safe work environment. This article will provide a basic guideline for automatic door safety, so continue reading to learn more.

There are many different types of automatic doors. Below you will find the various steps you should take to maintain automated door safety compliance for each door style.

  • For swing doors, there is a dangerous point where the door contacts the closing edge and frame. Safety sensors must be included in automatic swinging door installations. Also, the speed of the door should be set according to the manufacturer and regulatory guidelines.
  • Sliding doors create a potential danger point where the two doors contact each other at the closing point. Again, sensors need to be installed along with the automatic sliding doors themselves.
  • A folding door creates dangerous points where the screens close and along the folding edge. The manufacturer can advise you on closing and opening speeds, and the design of the secondary edge can prevent damage to fingers.

In addition to sensors and speed regulators, proper sign placement will help your employees and customers avoid injury. The engineer who installs the doors is required by law to set up the appropriate signage. As the owner or proprietor of a building, you need to ensure the correct safety signs are always displayed.

Using automatic doors is a great way to increase foot traffic in your business. If you hire certified professionals and install the proper safety measures, you will limit the possibility of accidents and injuries occurring in your building. Get regular maintenance to ensure your doors are working correctly and do not pose any danger.