If you want to sell your home and think you may have a foundation problem, you should educate yourself on the repair process. There are some things to look for if your house is on its foundation: horizontal cracks, uneven flooring, shifting soil, water leaks, and more. These signs should prompt you to call a professional. However, there are some things you can do to prevent foundation damage in your home.
Horizontal cracks
The first thing you should do is determine what is causing the horizontal cracks. Cracks in the foundation walls can indicate a wide range of issues, including water pressure, improper soil grading, and heavy equipment near the property. Contact a Waco foundation repair expert if you suspect your foundation may be weakened. Then, take action to prevent further damage to your property. Listed below are some of the most common causes of foundation cracks and how to fix them.
In some cases, horizontal cracks in foundations can be repaired by applying hydraulic cement or other repair solutions. Moreover, if significant problems in the design and installation of the foundation exist, you may need additional piers to prevent your house from sinking inwards. Before choosing a Waco foundation repair solution, you should consult a structural engineer to find the best way to protect the structural integrity of your home.
Uneven flooring
When your home starts to develop cracks and breaks throughout, it may indicate a faulty foundation. Uneven flooring is not only an unsightly issue but can also cause serious structural issues. Proper foundation maintenance is the key to preventing this problem and ensuring your home stays safe. Here are some ways to identify and correct foundation damage. Below are the most common causes of uneven floors.
The first thing to do is visually check the floor for uneven surfaces. You can use a small round object to test it. Look for extreme rolling or sagging. If the object moves significantly, this can indicate a faulty foundation. If you’re unsure whether your floor is uneven, consult a professional to check the damage. It is recommended to fix the problem as soon as possible to prevent it from getting worse and spreading.
Shifting soil
In addition to foundation problems, shifting soil can cause many other issues with your home, including cracking, settlement, and even heaving. Here are some of the causes and solutions to soil movement. First, ensure the soil around your house isn’t completely dry. If it does, it could expand dramatically in the following significant rain and put stress on your foundation walls. Use a soaker hose to slow down this process.
The soil around your foundation supports your house from the sides and the bottom. Expansive soil changes shape and can damage your foundation. It can also cause uneven settling, which threatens the stability of your foundation. In severe cases, you should contact a Waco foundation repair expert to repair the damage. In some cases, shifting soil can result in the complete collapse of your home. To avoid this situation, check the ground around your foundation regularly.
Water leaks
If you have discovered water dripping on the carpet or beneath your sinks, you have likely noticed an unexplained increase in your utility bill. Most foundation leaks are caused by underground water lines connected to the interior sources. Old water lines may rust over time or face other issues. When one of these pipes bursts, it can cause a significant flood and cause structural damage to your home.
Another cause of water seepage around your foundation is poor drainage. Clogged gutters and downspouts can allow water to pool around the foundation. Improper grading can also cause water to pool around the foundation. Finally, hurricanes and tropical storms can saturate the soil, making the foundation prone to water seepage. Here are some things to look for. Identifying problems early will help you get the best solution for your foundation and make repairs easier.
Pier and beam homes
A pier and beam home’s foundation can be affected by soil movement. In addition to sinking or leaning, your home can develop cracks, uneven floors, or rotten beams. Several DIY repair options can address these issues if you’re concerned about your home’s foundation. Additionally, repairing a pier and beam foundation is usually less expensive than a slab-on-grade foundation.
Repairing a pier and beam home may not involve invasive surgery, depending on the foundation damage. However, if your beams or piers aren’t stable, you may need to reinforce them. Shimming involves placing pieces of wood cut to specific dimensions. These pieces of wood may be small or vast, depending on the size of the gap. However, shimming will only work if your home’s foundation is still in good shape.
Spot piers
One of the most effective ways to repair the light-loaded portions …