Spring has sprung, and odds are, you are spending (or looking forward to spending, depending on the weather) more time outdoors. Here are 3 easy things you can do to prepare your yard for the warmer months.
Re-seed Bare Patches in Your Lawn
Grass seed is cheap, so grab a bag or two and re-seed any bare patches in your lawn. Just be sure to care for the seed properly once it is spread-you will need to water it very well for the first week or so. It is also important to purchase seed that will thrive in your environment, so read the bag and understand what you are purchasing before you jump in. For example, if you are trying to grow grass in a darker, shaded area, ensure that you choose seed that is intended for that environment.
Tackle Your Weeds
If unsightly weeds are an issue, it is important that you combat them so they do not overtake your yard and cause harm to your grass and plants. Hire weed control services Mansfield, TX to help you do the job quickly and efficiently. A weed control company will be able to eradicate weeds much easier than a DIY project will. Plus, they will likely use solutions that are more environmentally friendly than typical commercial products.
Add Mulch
If you have flower beds or areas around your home that are mulched, now is the time to spruce them up. Last year’s mulch is likely dried up and discolored by now, so add new mulch and give your gardens a fresh new facelift! If you plan on adding new flowers, ensure that you get them planted before you add mulch.
Sprucing your yard up for the warmer months can be easy and even fun! Use these simple tips and your home will be the envy of the neighborhood.…